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To be a devotee of slam poetry at the age of 65 is unusual.
But that’s what LouNat—whose real name is Louise Nathalie Boucher—has been doing for the past 15 years. As a lover of language, dexterous word play is a passion. Over the years, Louise Boucher has staged solo shows, Matrimoine and Commotion. She is currently working on a new show entitled Slam Trad.
Louise Boucher’s previous career was in the heritage field, as well as museums. One day, out of curiosity, she attended a slam performance.
“The next time, I showed up with a script,” she recalls.
Champion of the Grand slam de poésie 2021 and winner of the national Slam Québec-France competition, LouNat has published the collection Au secours je slame! and continues to perform on various stages.
Initially, Louise Boucher faced certain prejudices about her age.
“People asked me how I was able to tackle issues so close to the young. Or they’d say: ‘’You’re good for your age,’” she says. “Sometimes I sensed that judges had preconceived ideas.”
But she shrugged off the ageism and forged ahead. An audience member once paid her a lovely compliment when he told her she was ageless.
“My secret is that I love doing this. I do a lot of slams, so I get invited everywhere. In my youth, I did a lot of dance improvisation. So the stage doesn’t scare me. I’ve stayed active and my passion gives me endless energy to carry on.”
If Louise Boucher had just one piece of advice to give, it would be to go for what motivates you, what gives you energy. Don’t be afraid of being judged and follow up on your interests.
“Secondly, it’s important to be self-disciplined and consistent in order to keep progressing.”
A FADOQ member for some ten years, she joined mainly to defend collective rights. “That’s very important to me,” she says.
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