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Josée Sauvé says she enjoys getting older.
After running her own catering business for over 20 years, the 58-year-old decided to put herself first.
“The projects are pouring in, she says. I am involved in a modeling agency and contracts are plentiful. I’m very happy.”
To stay in shape, Josée Sauvé plays tennis several times a week, often against men. She is also taking classes to continue improving in the sport she loves. More recently, the 50-year-old has taken up golf again. In fact, she is interested in everything and is constantly looking to try new things.
How does Josée Sauvé manage to look younger than her age?
“I’m the age that I am and assume it fully. But deep down, I still have the heart of child,” she says. “I try to maintain my sense of wonder. When you’re retired, there is no more pressure for professional success. The verb “to be” is front and centre, and that’s great.”
A last piece of advice from her: stay active, and above all, don’t allow yourself to become isolated. Even though everything is changing and the last few years have not been easy on morale, we must see the positive side of any change and evolve with it.
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