Brief – 2019 Quebec budget
This brief was prepared for the pre-budget consultations and presented to the office of Quebec’s finance minister, Éric Girard.
In the brief, Réseau FADOQ outlined the priority measures determined by its members and drew the Quebec government’s attention to certain factors that should be taken into account in drawing up the budget.
In health care, Réseau FADOQ called for greater investment in long-term care facilities and home care. The network also recommended increasing long-term care facility operating budgets as well as investing in facility renovations and upgrades.
The network criticized the lack of incentives available to employers of experienced older workers. To encourage businesses to hire and retain employees age 65 and over, the network recommended measures such as a tax credit for private sector organizations that offer training to older workers. It also advised the government to offer older workers who are receiving their pension the option of no longer contributing to the Quebec Pension Plan.
Read the brief (French)